Category Archives: Best Practices

Cisco Suggests New IT Roles

In a new report Cisco suggests new IT roles in the future for IT networking professionals.  They are described in Cisco’s 2020 Global Networking Trends Report. This was finished before COVID-19. The projected impacts seem to have been accelerated by the impact of Coronavirus.

The way that networks are being built is changing quickly.

“It’s clear that these skills are even more critical now – the need for connecting and controlling corporate connectivity and security to home workers begs for new types of expertise,” Joe Clarke, Distinguished Services Engineer, Cisco

Cisco suggests the following roles will evolve over time:

Business Translator

Works to translate business needs into service-level, security and compliance requirements to be addressed across a network.

Network Guardian

Bridges the interface between network and security architectures. This implants distributed intelligence into the security architecture and the SecOps process. The guardian monitors the data and takes steps to define faults or stop attackers.

Network Commander

Controller-based automation and orchestration processes are the basis of Intent Based Networking. The Network Commander is in charge of the processes and business practices that maintain and enhance the reliability of the underlying network.

Network Orchestrator

Translates the needs of the business into policies for the network. These are automated and aligned across the network and IT.

Network Detective

Makes use of tools to be sure that the network delivers what is required by business intent. This is coordinated with IT service-management processes and SecOps teams in proactive ways.

These new roles enhance the integration of business and network technology.

Please See:

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You Can Adapt Your Marketing During Our Coronavirus Pandemic

Our families and businesses are suffering as a result of Coronavirus. After you care for your family and friends; there are some things you can consider doing to foster your business. 1. Help others selflessly Pay it forward to your target market. 2. Paid ads are cheaper With fewer businesses advertising; there is less competition…Continue Reading


John Gale and Carverlon Ltd are developing a series of videos on startup management issues as a part of this Website.  6 videos are currently available on the Videos page. The first topics are: One Minute Answers For Startup CEOs Webinar Short Topics Please see the Videos Page to watch any of these videos. Hits: 5Continue Reading

Develop a Vision Statement

Every startup needs to develop a vision statement.  It is a core part of defining your business. So when you and a couple co-founders decide to create a startup. GREAT!!  You need to accomplish several things. Please take a look at John Gale’s post; To Do Before Company Formation  As you will see; one of…Continue Reading

Blog Content Brainstorming

Let’s assume that you have established say three core content focus topics for your blog. Within each focus topic you have several subtopics. So – how to keep your content fresh? You need to brainstorm this periodically. You need to select fresh topics. Know what others are blogging about Look at Blogs with the same…Continue Reading

Mistakes While Raising Startup Capital

There are many types of mistakes while raising startup capital. This post addresses several that occur all too frequently. Poor preparation You need to prepare before starting to meet with potential investors. Please see our Blog Posts: Before First Contact With An Investor Investor Strategy for Startups Your Due Diligence on Potential Investors Not enough…Continue Reading

Strаtеgіеѕ fоr Grоwth Hасkіng

Mаrkеtіng аt a later stage іѕ not аѕ challenging аѕ gеttіng уоur nаmе оut there fоr thе fіrѕt tіmе аnd thіѕ is whеrе grоwth hасkіng соmеѕ іn. Onе nееdѕ tо be very creative аnd аt the ѕаmе tіmе knоwlеdgеаblе оf thе dаtаbаѕе рrоgrаmmіng tо еffесtіvеlу grоwth hасk іn order tо mаkе a ѕіgnіfісаnt dіffеrеnсе. Hеrе…Continue Reading

Phases of New Market Disruption

When does new market disruption occur? As one type of disruption, new market disruption has a unique measure of success. Usually the new market disruption occurs when a specific product or service addresses an opportunity for consumption in an existing category. In other words, market disruption by a new product or service happens when it…Continue Reading

Stages оf Growth Hасkіng

Thе Stages оf Growth Hасkіng working іn business Marketing іѕ оftеn done rеtrоасtіvеlу. Thе рrоduсt already еxіѕtѕ, ѕо thе mаrkеtіng tеаm hаѕ tо promote thе product оr buѕіnеѕѕ, even іf іt dоеѕn’t work. Aѕѕumіng thе рrоduсt dеvеlорmеnt ѕtаgе dіdn’t receive іnfluеnсе frоm a mаrkеtіng tеаm, it was never tested рrореrlу оn thе tаrgеt mаrkеt. Grоwth…Continue Reading

Learning management system

A learning management system is now an integral part of many companies. To run a business successfully you will need efficient and skilful employees. So, if you develop a proper learning system for the employees of your later stage startup it will give them the chance to expand their skills; this is always better for…Continue Reading

How to Hire Senior Executives

How to Hire Senior Executives Understanding how to hire senior executives is an important skill for a startup CEO. The CEO can think through the following alternatives: In all startup ecosystems there are informal ways for interested executives to meet startup CEOs. Hire friends of your friends or those recommended by advisers or other startup…Continue Reading

What is the value of giving out trophies and plaques?

Everybody likes to receive trophies and plaques that showcase their achievements. So, many organizations give out trophies and plaques to their employees every year. There are many who work hard to receive such souvenirs because they like to experience the glory and credit that comes along with it. The occasion might be anything from “lowest…Continue Reading

People management – Vital to a Successful Business

People management is crucial for most companies; because the employees of a company are its most important assets. The success or the failure of the company is dependent on them. What is required? It is extremely important for managers and supervisors to encourage, inspire, train and motivate their employees. So, as a manager you need…Continue Reading

Focus Group Research Issues

There are Focus Group Research Issues. Focus Groups are a tool used in the past, present and likely, the future by the market research industry. They are basically organized by marketing companies in order to research what kind of an effect a certain product has on the market, how people react to it, whether they…Continue Reading

Backfile Document Scanning – Make the Office Paperless

Backfile Document Scanning is the scanning of archived and recent paper files, blueprints, documents and selected other documents.  These are converted from paper form to electronic format. After scanning and indexing, you can open the documents with the help of any network connected PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.  This is beneficial in many ways. A significant…Continue Reading

Distributed Leadership Brings Out the Best in You and Your Business

If your SME is growing and has its own business and marketing organization; is the organization starting to be complex?  If so then Distributed Leadership brings out the best in you and your business. Distributed Leadership Brings Out the Best in You and Your Business As Wikipedia says, in the “context of a complex organization ….…Continue Reading

Startup CEO Reward Structure

A CEO of a new venture needs a Startup CEO Reward Structure to reward him/her.  No one else will provide it for you.  This is to reward yourself for completing a task or accomplishing something worthwhile. I suggest that you should be earning 5-7 rewards per week; of various sizes. Startup CEO Reward Structure So…Continue Reading

Plans and Reports For New Ventures

For an emerging revenue stream (startup, new venture or new division), a One Year Plan is typically developed based on a Business Plan.  Weekly, Monthly; and other plans and reports should also be developed and used.  Those units that are a part of established entities likely have document/planning/reporting requirements that overlap with the suggestions in…Continue Reading

Early Stage Startup Desired Characteristics

At any given time here are thousands of new ventures and startups.  Many have high energy officers and exciting new ideas.  It can be difficult to separate out those with more likelihood of success. Early Stage Startup Desired Characteristics When you see an early stage startup with characteristics such as those listed below, they are…Continue Reading

Seed Stage Business Plan

Your Seed Stage Business Plan provides information as to strategy and methodologies that will guide corporate decision-making for the next 3-5 years. Seed Stage Business Plan Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of creating a Product Plan instead of a Business Plan. Please see the White Paper titled Startup Presentations to Angel/Seed Stage Investors and Partners: Recommendations…Continue Reading

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