Category Archives: Strategy

Cisco Suggests New IT Roles

In a new report Cisco suggests new IT roles in the future for IT networking professionals.  They are described in Cisco’s 2020 Global Networking Trends Report. This was finished before COVID-19. The projected impacts seem to have been accelerated by the impact of Coronavirus.

The way that networks are being built is changing quickly.

“It’s clear that these skills are even more critical now – the need for connecting and controlling corporate connectivity and security to home workers begs for new types of expertise,” Joe Clarke, Distinguished Services Engineer, Cisco

Cisco suggests the following roles will evolve over time:

Business Translator

Works to translate business needs into service-level, security and compliance requirements to be addressed across a network.

Network Guardian

Bridges the interface between network and security architectures. This implants distributed intelligence into the security architecture and the SecOps process. The guardian monitors the data and takes steps to define faults or stop attackers.

Network Commander

Controller-based automation and orchestration processes are the basis of Intent Based Networking. The Network Commander is in charge of the processes and business practices that maintain and enhance the reliability of the underlying network.

Network Orchestrator

Translates the needs of the business into policies for the network. These are automated and aligned across the network and IT.

Network Detective

Makes use of tools to be sure that the network delivers what is required by business intent. This is coordinated with IT service-management processes and SecOps teams in proactive ways.

These new roles enhance the integration of business and network technology.

Please See:

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Robots Will Not Take All the Jobs

Robots will not take all the jobs. When new technologies emerge they frequently are accompanied by incredible hype. Each new technology will replace everything including the kitchen sink. Then reality pushes in and we find that the new technology provides a cost-effective solution with appropriate convenience in a few markets. These markets may be large…Continue Reading

Characteristics of a Good Intrapreneur

For centuries established corporations have had intrapreneurs; executives who lead new revenue streams in separate entities into being. This post draws on John Gale’s experience and three articles to express the characteristics of a good intrapreneur. Characteristics of a good intrapreneur Personal skills A visionary Skilled politician Perseverance Can deal with uncertainty Creativity and ability…Continue Reading

Why Change Management Fails 75% of the Time

A Forbes article describes why change management fails 75% of the time in the long term. Startups are used to doing “Pivots” to solve needs for change. These Pivots are relatively easy when there are only two co-founders involved. They become more complex as the organization grows.  This post discusses issues for established organizations so…Continue Reading

Startup CEO thinking too small

Are you as a startup CEO thinking too small and dooming your startup to failure?  You need to “size” your startup size ambitions in alignment with: Your experience and skill set Your co-founders The funds that you can raise within your ecosystem The support that your ecosystem can provide The size of the addressable markets…Continue Reading

Mission Statement Drifting

Is your Mission Statement Drifting? Every early stage startup has a mission statement and a set of employees with job titles and employment contracts (job descriptions usually come later). If you have an outsider ask each officer and key employee to describe the mission statement; how aligned are the responses? You really need to try…Continue Reading

List of Problems Shared by SMEs and Startups

SME Problems and Startup Problems are frequently similar.  SMEs tend to have more problems than established corporations.  Unfortunately some startups share these same types of problems. SME problems shared with many startups Insufficient credibility They are not known; so they are not trusted Inadequate financial resources This can cause management to choose cheap and inadequate…Continue Reading

Government Relations For New Ventures

The importance of Government Relations for New Ventures varies from country to country.  Within a country it can vary from state to state (province to province). Corporate Growth Government programs, laws and regulations, and networking can strongly impact corporate growth of resident parent companies and/or their resident subsidiaries.   Relocation of Headquarters Government programs, laws…Continue Reading

Transforming World

We live in an evolving world; a transforming world of change and disruption.  Click here for a LinkedIn list of executives with Global Transformation in their title.  This includes executives at AIG, DHL, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Johnson Controls and other corporations.  There is a Global Transformation Forum (conference) which had 3,000 delegates in 2015.  Deloitte Ireland…Continue Reading

Disruption To Sales of Legacy Products

Does your new venture’s business model include the potential for disruption to sales of legacy products being sold by established corporations?  Is this likely to result in positive negative or confused situations? Survey by IMD Funded by Cisco “Business leaders believe four out of 10 top-ranked companies in their industries worldwide won’t survive the next…Continue Reading

Useful Market Disruption Versus Uncertain Disruption

Does your business model require significant interaction with societal infrastructure?  Might it cause Unpredictable Disruption instead of useful disruption? Unpredictable Disruption Business models whose innovation opens up the potential for Unpredictable Disruption include: Some taxi-like business models have experienced contentious interaction with city regulations concerning taxicabs.  This can have an impact on the company’s ability to do business…Continue Reading

Before You Launch a New Revenue Stream

Ground truth in a new venture within a company is different from ground truth within an unaffiliated startup. These corporate centric issues can be much more political than factual.  The more the new revenue stream is likely to be a new division; the more complex are these issues. What You Need To Know BeforeYou Launch a New…Continue Reading

Criteria To Be A Successful Startup CEO

Several have asked what are the Criteria To Be A Successful Startup CEO. Criteria To Be A Successful Startup CEO Vary Depending on the Situation Unfortunately, the criteria to be a successful startup CEO vary depending on the person, his/her experience, the offering of the startup, the target market, the stage in the business life…Continue Reading

Negotiate With Strength

As an officer in a new venture of some kind you need to negotiate many things; with internal executives with outside stakeholders with suppliers customers and everybody else. Attitude for Negotiation Always Negotiate With Strength!  Never anticipate you will have to accept whatever the other side offers.  You always approach a negotiation with the attitude…Continue Reading

Focus and Setting Priorities

A new venture needs a laser sharp focus to survive and prosper. Setting priorities is important for any stage company.  It is especially important for new ventures and startups.  The successful CEO learns to set aside those tasks that are not important.  Further, he works to complete many important tasks before they become urgent. Extremely…Continue Reading

Competitive Differentiation

“Real” competitive differentiation is very important to prevent other companies from taking over your market and also to attract investors.  Intellectual property is usually the best and longest lasting type of differentiation.   Strong patents are excellent.  But, some types of patents are less powerful. Types of Competitive Differentiation Other types of competitive differentiation can be: Business Relationships…Continue Reading

Digital Life in 2025

This Pew Research Center market projection provides “15 Theses About the Digital Future” in 60 pages. The More-Hopeful Theses ”Information sharing over the Internet will be so effortlessly interwoven into daily life that it will become invisible, flowing like electricity, often through machine intermediaries.” page 23 ”The spread of the Internet will enhance global connectivity that fosters…Continue Reading

Startup Business Focus

Concentrate on startup business focus while progressing through the corporate formation of a startup.  And again during all planning processes.  Your Angel and VC investors will especially appreciate your attention to these points: Investors and all other stakeholders want a startup to have a strong startup business focus.  It is good to have multiple future…Continue Reading

Investor Strategy for Startups

An Investor Strategy for Startups is key for new ventures.  It is required as a part of your fundraising. Investor Strategy for Startups Your Investor Strategy is an internal document that guides the co-founders (and later the officers) of a startup in: Determining which Financial Exits are acceptable to you and therefore must be acceptable…Continue Reading

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