Salesforce Releases Tools to Help Businesses Reopen Safely

Salesforce Releases Tools to Help Businesses Reopen Safely. is a set of tools to help businesses reopen workplaces and maintain employee safety. includes tools to track employee health, make company-wide health announcements, manage shifts to reduce human density, and keep track of data and regulations. The data can be monitored in a command center.

Various services will be priced as separate add-ons for existing Salesforce subscriptions.

Salesforce perceives the pandemic as having three phases:

  • Crisis response

  • An extended period of recovery

  • A new normal.

All organizations will pass through all three phases

Remote Does Not Work For All Businesses

Many organizations are working remotely . Some will continue to do so for some time. Others cannot do this.

Those locations will need to enable and enforce social distancing at work, while monitoring employee health.

Companies must rethink some things once assumed as being normal. Examples of solutions include:

  • Bringing employees back into work-spaces in separate groups at different sequential times
  • Scheduling when certain categories of people can use elevators or narrow hallways, in order to maintain desired distancing.

The tools include courses and training to help people learn new ways of working together and how to understand and execute safety measures.

Salesforce assigned hundreds of employees to build these applications.  Previously, Salesforce:

  • Offered Salesforce Care, tools to help businesses stay in touch with employees and customers.

  • Created a group of companies to acquire personal protective equipment to donate to healthcare organizations.

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Cisco Suggests New IT Roles

In a new report Cisco suggests new IT roles in the future for IT networking professionals.  They are described in Cisco’s 2020 Global Networking Trends Report. This was finished before COVID-19. The projected impacts seem to have been accelerated by the impact of Coronavirus. The way that networks are being built is changing quickly. “It’s…Continue Reading

You Can Adapt Your Marketing During Our Coronavirus Pandemic

Our families and businesses are suffering as a result of Coronavirus. After you care for your family and friends; there are some things you can consider doing to foster your business. 1. Help others selflessly Pay it forward to your target market. 2. Paid ads are cheaper With fewer businesses advertising; there is less competition…Continue Reading


John Gale and Carverlon Ltd are developing a series of videos on startup management issues as a part of this Website.  6 videos are currently available on the Videos page. The first topics are: One Minute Answers For Startup CEOs Webinar Short Topics Please see the Videos Page to watch any of these videos. Hits: 5Continue Reading

Leading Ecosystems

There has been much discussion of the Leading Ecosystems for startups. But few of the discussions explain which are more useful; to whom and why. Fewer discuss which Ecosystems best help SMEs. In other words after a startup reaches (European) SME status which metropolitan area will serve it best? “Where can an entrepreneur find the…Continue Reading

Customer Proposal Package For a Startup

Every new venture needs to have a Standard Customer Proposal Package.  This includes a standard customer proposal PowerPoint (PPT) and a Standard Customer Contract. And of course, selected components of your Sales Kit. Your standard customer proposal PowerPoint (PPT) is a marketing document; customized for each opportunity Your Standard Customer Contract is a legal document…Continue Reading

Update – Early Stage Business Plan White Paper

This Update – Early Stage Business Plan White Paper information is for the White Paper Startup Presentations To Angel/Seed Stage Investors and Partners Recommendations for Best Practices by John Gale.  This White Paper can be downloaded from our page Business Plans This Post provides updates to this White Paper. Several of my Editorial Review Board…Continue Reading

Adaptability Needs for Startup CEOs

There are many adaptability needs for startup CEOs.  He/she needs to understand needs, learn new skills and accomplish new things quickly.  Here is a partial list of those agilities. Adaptability Needs for Startup CEOs A startup CEO must sustain belief in him/her self.  Beyond that there is: An agile focus on your work Listen well…Continue Reading

List of Marketplaces for Startups

A list of marketplaces for startups can help the CEO leverage a startup in many new ways.  These range from fund raising to buying and selling assets to hiring staff.  This post lists several types of marketplaces that serve various types of resources of value to startups. Marketplaces that provide crowd funding Please see John…Continue Reading

Robots Will Not Take All the Jobs

Robots will not take all the jobs. When new technologies emerge they frequently are accompanied by incredible hype. Each new technology will replace everything including the kitchen sink. Then reality pushes in and we find that the new technology provides a cost-effective solution with appropriate convenience in a few markets. These markets may be large…Continue Reading

Ask Before Accepting A Management Position

This is a critique of the Fast Company article Five Questions You Should Ask Before Accepting A Management Position by Stephanie Taylor Christense.  The article is useful assuming that you equate success with people management.  For entrepreneurial jobs a few modifiers are needed. The five questions the article suggests you ask before accepting a management…Continue Reading

Develop a Vision Statement

Every startup needs to develop a vision statement.  It is a core part of defining your business. So when you and a couple co-founders decide to create a startup. GREAT!!  You need to accomplish several things. Please take a look at John Gale’s post; To Do Before Company Formation  As you will see; one of…Continue Reading

How to Use Advanced Search by Google

Startup professionals need to understand how to use advanced search by Google The vast majority of searches done on the Internet are performed using This Post describes only how to use Google’s Advanced Search features by providing Google instructions with some added information. How to use advanced search by Google Using advanced search by…Continue Reading

List of Creative Problem-Solving Techniques

A list of creative problem-solving techniques can be a strategic advantage or a disaster for your startup. Before you form your company you should know how you are planning to address those many difficult problems. A key success factor is having an outstanding problem solving process. So these need to be simple, fast-to-execute and robust.…Continue Reading

How Startups Reduce Costs

Every startup CEO should know how startups reduce costs. Whether there is a need to for better control of the burn rate or just a desire to better manage the startup, manage costs. How startups reduce costs Bartering = Trading In many cases you can barter or trade what you sell for goods and services…Continue Reading

Managing Burn Rate for Startups

Managing burn rate for startups. A startup CEO must manage how the startup spends money and how it receives revenue. Here are the factors to manage. Managing Burn Rate for Startups Sales funnel Understand your sales funnel and how it produces revenue. A product similar to BrightFunnel  may be useful Pricing Your pricing policy…Continue Reading

Avoid wasting time

Startup officers need to avoid wasting time. Time is their most valuable asset and poor use of it can result in weakening their startup’s competitive advantages. Ways we waste time Thinking about increasing revenue and achieving a better quality of life Watching TV or video on the Internet Surfing the Internet Stay up late, get…Continue Reading

How Startups Use Virtual Assistants

Let’s talk about how startups use Virtual Assistants. Virtual Assistants are really just a packaged type of consultant.  Many hold advanced degrees or have years of specialized experience. As startups grow they need a variety of short term and long term part time staff. So, Virtual Assistants can be used to address selected parts of…Continue Reading

Selecting the Niche Market for Your Startup

Selecting the niche market for your startup is key. One aspect of this was addressed in John Gale’s post Target Market for Your Startup This post describes a complementary process.  So let’s assume that you have chosen your niche market. Here are several additional factors to consider: Perform a detailed analysis of your product. A…Continue Reading

Successful Entrepreneurs Think More Effectively

This post describes the traits I have seen in the successful entrepreneurs I have known.  Thus, how successful entrepreneurs think more effectively. Successful entrepreneurs think more effectively They are very smart and routinely really think “outside the box”. They listen to other very smart people especially those who disagree. They learn from their successful competitors…Continue Reading

How Startups Should Handle Complaints

Every early stage startup employee needs to learn how startups should handle complaints. Here is a list of points to help you quickly resolve or at least mitigate complaints. If you can really impress the upset one quickly; you can gain good publicity within his/her sphere of influence. Otherwise you will get bad publicity told…Continue Reading

What is an Entrepreneur?

What is an Entrepreneur?  Here are several definitions and opinions. What is an Entrepreneur? Yahoo Answers says that an entrepreneur is “A person who brings together all thee factors of production (land, labor, and capital) to start up a business and bring goods or services to the public.” About Money states that “Essentially, an entrepreneur…Continue Reading

Filed Under: HR

Motivation for startup CEOs

Every startup CEO needs to learn about motivation for startup CEOs. From time to time you will feel less motivated. When you sense that coming on you need to act. Shift into high energy mode and work through this list. Note the concepts that work best for you. Motivation for startup CEOs Be high energy…Continue Reading

Learn the Benefits of Self-Publishing

Some business models for startups create an opportunity for the startup to choose between traditional publishing of various products and to learn the benefits of self-publishing. Self-publishing requires learning new skills and entails some risks; but provides several interesting benefits.  Naturally these vary with the type of published product. Learn the benefits of self-publishing Management…Continue Reading

How to Avoid Self-Publishing Mistakes

Your startup can save money by self-publishing. Mistakes will make you look less professional. So learn how to avoid self-publishing mistakes. How to avoid self-publishing mistakes Learn how You need to learn self-publishing carefully. Develop a plan. It will include up-front expenses. You need to determine if your target market sector will accept self-published products.…Continue Reading

Formalizing Business Systems for Startups

Many startup CEOs have never thought of formalizing business systems for startups. They have only thought of accounting systems. But never of business process engineering for startups. Whether you are scaling up a hitech startup or creating a relatively small passive income stream, formalizing business systems for startups can be a key success factor. If…Continue Reading

How successful entrepreneurs address failure

You need to learn how successful entrepreneurs address failure. You will be feeling pressure all of the time and failing more than you like.  So, on your path to being successful, you will fail a lot along the way. How successful entrepreneurs address failure Successful entrepreneurs cope with failure better than those who do not…Continue Reading

Avoid Litigation Due to Your Financial Exit

All want to avoid litigation due to your financial exit. Carverlon-Ltd can help you plan and execute your financial exit. Naturally you want to learn how to avoid litigation due to your Financial Exit. You need robust legal and financial advice. This Post helps you to develop the questions to discuss with your attorney and…Continue Reading

Startup CEOs Who Failed Before Success

Failure as a startup CEO can be acceptable. Here is a group of successful startup CEOs who failed before success. Successful startup CEOs who failed before success Nick Woodman failed with two startups before founding GoPro Henry Ford failed with two automotive startups before he founded Ford Motor Company. Richard Branson had numerous failures before…Continue Reading

Target Market for Your Startup

The Target Market for your startup is one or more market segments. Your startup markets an offering or product(s) to it. Your target market or target audience for a Website may be a specialized subset of your Target Market for your product. For B2C it is usually defined by social-economic groups age and gender. For…Continue Reading

Pricing for hitech startups

One of the most difficult problems is pricing for hitech startups. Your initial business plan should address pricing. There are “rules of thumb” for pricing for early stage startups. But, do not count on them providing a great solution. After all, you are doing something different. Your success in developing a good pricing strategy will…Continue Reading

Characteristics of a Good Intrapreneur

For centuries established corporations have had intrapreneurs; executives who lead new revenue streams in separate entities into being. This post draws on John Gale’s experience and three articles to express the characteristics of a good intrapreneur. Characteristics of a good intrapreneur Personal skills A visionary Skilled politician Perseverance Can deal with uncertainty Creativity and ability…Continue Reading

Blog strategy for your startup

Know your blog strategy for your startup. You need to know why you are blogging before you start writing Blog Posts. Consider these points in developing your Strategy. Blog Strategy for your startup: Who is your target market? What needs and market pains are relevant to you? What will the blog accomplish? How will you…Continue Reading

How Blogging Helps Startups Grow

You as a startup CEO need to understand how blogging helps startups grow.Blogs have evolved to be a way to engage prospects and customers and help startups to grow their business. Here are the ways how blogging helps startups grow: Describe a new product concept or way of doing business. This can include acquiring customer…Continue Reading

How to overcome Startup CEO Overwhelm

Startup CEOs need to avoid or overcome startup CEO overwhelm. Overwhelm can be caused by the need to think about and do so many simultaneous things to nurture and drive a startup to success. Too many startup CEOs experience overwhelm too often.  One cause is that there are too many pieces of information to keep…Continue Reading

How to Avoid a Startup Financial Crisis

Startup CEOs need to know how to avoid a startup financial crisis. It is not enough to have an excellent product with sales ramping up and pleased customers. You must also have your finances under control. This is not just managing your “Burn Rate”. How to avoid a startup financial crisis. Financial records and administrative…Continue Reading

Why Change Management Fails 75% of the Time

A Forbes article describes why change management fails 75% of the time in the long term. Startups are used to doing “Pivots” to solve needs for change. These Pivots are relatively easy when there are only two co-founders involved. They become more complex as the organization grows.  This post discusses issues for established organizations so…Continue Reading

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