
We have breadth in our range of global clients from major information technology vendors in the United States, Western Europe, and Japan; to startups as small as one employee.

We would like to give you detailed information regarding our clients and the nature of our work with them. However, our contribution to their business success and regard for their privacy precludes us from divulging these details.  We will do the same for you.  We will provide further information and references upon request.

Our work with public entities and associations has included:

  • Office of Technology Assessment of the Congress of the United States
  • European Union
  • Government of France
  • Groupement Français des Fournisseurs d’Informations en Ligne (GFFIL)

Please see the 11 Recommendations in John Gale’s Profile on LinkedIn

Awards and Prizes Earned by Startups

As current startup touch-points; over the last few years, John has worked with Silicon Valley, other American, Dutch, English, German, Portuguese and Romanian startups.  Awards, prizes and successes they have earned include:

  • Investments from $50,000 up to £20,000,000
  • Cash prizes in competitions up to 50,000 Euros
  • Acceptance into competitive accelerator programs including YCombinator of Silicon Valley, Bayer of Berlin and SeedCamp of London
  • First paying customers
  • Business partnerships with moderate up through major corporations
  • First 1,000,000 users


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