Category Archives: Business Culture

Leading Ecosystems

There has been much discussion of the Leading Ecosystems for startups. But few of the discussions explain which are more useful; to whom and why. Fewer discuss which Ecosystems best help SMEs. In other words after a startup reaches (European) SME status which metropolitan area will serve it best?

“Where can an entrepreneur find the right concentration of many different types of customers and engaged mentors—where the culture runs so deep that even the local gym offers free services in exchange for equity in your startup? In a thriving local startup ecosystem. (And yes, this is a Silicon Valley reality.)”  The Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking 2015 by (formerly Startup Genome) with the support of Crunchbase.

Leading Ecosystems

“The world’s top 20 startup ecosystems based on Performance, Funding, Market Reach, Talent, and Startup Experience” are listed below as reported in The Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking 2015 by (formerly Startup Genome) with the support of Crunchbase.

“Performance on the funding and exit valuations”
“Funding on VC investment… and the time  … to raise capital”
“Quality of technical talent … availability …cost”
“local ecosystem’s GDP and …ease of reaching customers in international markets”
“veteran startup mentors or founders with previous startup experience”
  1. Silicon Valley

  2. New York City

  3. Los Angeles

  4. Boston

  5. Tel Aviv

  6. London

  7. Chicago

  8. Seattle

  9. Berlin

  10. Singapore

  11. Paris

  12. Sao Paulo

  13. Moscow

  14. Austin

  15. Bangalore

  16. Sydney

  17. Toronto

  18. Vancouver

  19. Amsterdam

  20. Montreal

31 Ecosystems listed as runners-up by The Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking 2015 are Atlanta, Denver/Boulder, Philadelphia, Waterloo, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Mexico City, Barcelona, Brussels, Copenhagen, Dublin, Helsinki, Istanbul, Jerusalem, Lisbon, Madrid, Milan, Oslo, Rome, Stockholm, Tallinn, Teheran, Warsaw, Zurich, Bangkok, Delhi, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Melbourne, and Mumbai.

Ecosystems For SMEs

“VC firms are, by and large, structured to make multi-million dollar investments in a small number of late-stage startups that they can shepherd from strong to stratospheric results.” according to The Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking 2015.  But what is the best way to get from being an early stage startup to being “late-stage”?  In Europe companies in this intermediate stage are sometimes called SMEs. The US Government defines Small Businesses somewhat differently.  This causes some confusion.  From a (European terminology) SME perspective; Carverlon sees that Silicon Valley, London, Berlin, Dublin Ireland and Luxembourg each have significant advantages. This is because of their existence as regional, worldwide or sector specific corporate headquarters clusters, the connections to the Global 1000, connections to financing, and in the case of Ireland and Luxembourg, also having attractive corporate tax rates and tax treaties. Estonia, The Netherlands, Singapore and Hong Kong also offer some of these characteristics.

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Adaptability Needs for Startup CEOs

There are many adaptability needs for startup CEOs.  He/she needs to understand needs, learn new skills and accomplish new things quickly.  Here is a partial list of those agilities. Adaptability Needs for Startup CEOs A startup CEO must sustain belief in him/her self.  Beyond that there is: An agile focus on your work Listen well…Continue Reading

Stages оf Growth Hасkіng

Thе Stages оf Growth Hасkіng working іn business Marketing іѕ оftеn done rеtrоасtіvеlу. Thе рrоduсt already еxіѕtѕ, ѕо thе mаrkеtіng tеаm hаѕ tо promote thе product оr buѕіnеѕѕ, even іf іt dоеѕn’t work. Aѕѕumіng thе рrоduсt dеvеlорmеnt ѕtаgе dіdn’t receive іnfluеnсе frоm a mаrkеtіng tеаm, it was never tested рrореrlу оn thе tаrgеt mаrkеt. Grоwth…Continue Reading

Should You Survey Your Employees?

How should you survey your employees to better understand their interests and concerns? The results of an employee surveys are frequently an eye opener. You learn about the real corporate business culture that you have created; problems with processes products and policies; customer problems and etc. What is an employee survey? The phrase employee survey…Continue Reading

Professional Business Uniform – Professional Employee

A Professional Business Uniform makes a strong first impression on a customer or prospect. Uniforms can play a vital role in developing your business. A professional looking employee is always great for your startup. A professional business uniform will help the employee to look more professional and efficient; customers will appreciate this. In some sectors…Continue Reading

What is the value of giving out trophies and plaques?

Everybody likes to receive trophies and plaques that showcase their achievements. So, many organizations give out trophies and plaques to their employees every year. There are many who work hard to receive such souvenirs because they like to experience the glory and credit that comes along with it. The occasion might be anything from “lowest…Continue Reading

How to choose the correct uniform for Employees

How to choose the correct uniform for Employees, when your business needs uniformed employees, can be a complex decision. You have to take into account a range of factors. Also, changing the selected uniform will be costly, inconvenient and may confuse your branding. So, you would prefer to select the correct uniform the first time.…Continue Reading

Distributed Leadership Brings Out the Best in You and Your Business

If your SME is growing and has its own business and marketing organization; is the organization starting to be complex?  If so then Distributed Leadership brings out the best in you and your business. Distributed Leadership Brings Out the Best in You and Your Business As Wikipedia says, in the “context of a complex organization ….…Continue Reading

Business Culture Shock

Preparing for and adapting to Business Culture Shock and simple business cultural differences is a normal part of international growth activities. Chinese Companies Are Expanding Overseas The Washington Post Article Chinese companies face culture shock in countries that aren’t like China describes such issues for Chinese entrepreneurs.  Several of their points are summarized below. “Chinese…Continue Reading

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