How should you survey your employees to better understand their interests and concerns? The results of an employee surveys are frequently an eye opener. You learn about the real corporate business culture that you have created; problems with processes products and policies; customer problems and etc.
What is an employee survey?
The phrase employee survey itself is self-explanatory. It is basically a survey that you, as a startup CEO can conduct among the employees of your organization to get a better idea of how they feel about your company, your nature as a boss and many other things. Usually, it is just a set of questions with 4 options, out of which they can pick 1.
Is an employee survey beneficial?
The answer is usually a big ‘Yes’. Wouldn’t you want to know what your employees think about the company you are building, the way you manage it, the salary you pay them and other things? The main benefits are that you will have a better idea regarding the direction your company should head in.
Not only that, you have probably established groups of employees to work together for a certain task, with one of them leading the way. A survey will help you to know if they are doing their work properly and if someone else in the squad does not feel like the current leader is the right leader. Things like these often go unnoticed in an office, and you can avoid making the same mistake.
You can then systematically analyze all the data you have at your disposal and take steps accordingly. You will find that your company is benefiting on all fronts.
A survey cannot happen overnight. You need to plan time for
Preparing the survey
Performing the survey
Analyzing the results
Communicating the results to management and employees
Developing actionable plans based on results and discussions of results
Launching and implementing your actionable plans
Employee Surveys – Hire and Keep Quality Personnel with Employee Surveys
How Often Should You Conduct Employee Surveys?
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