BPM or Business Process Management can be defined as a method to study the processes of an organization and then try to control them while ensuring that the business productivity is not hampered. It is often considered to be a crisis-management methodology to ascertain the efficiency level of certain business processes in order to ensure higher returns on investment.
Most early stage companies/divisions are casual about processes. They allow many inefficiencies as the cobble together the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). But it is very important to have a Customer Facing perspective. In other words; as the customer views usage of the “system” he or she wants to see logic and convenience for the customer. So think through Process Management from a Customer Facing perspective.
Later dring inflation scenarios when cost cutting is heavily required, BPM can be extremely effective in identifying the most important business processes along with those ones that can be put on hold for the time being.
Stages of Business Process Management:
BPM is a business practice that is all about institutionalizing and formalizing better and more convenient ways to get the work done to ensure better productivity with lower investment.
How to Make BPM Successful
In order to successfully employ Business Process Management in your organization, you need to focus on the following aspects of maximum positive output:
Try to focus on the outcomes and not the tasks in order to retain focus
Depending on the maturity of your organization; automating a process may be necessary; but first, it is likely mandatory to make any necessary corrections while improving the process.
Standardizing the business processes that promise the highest amount of productivity; or where the scrap rate is currently highest; is essential. It also helps to reduce risk.
When the process has stabilized; periodic or continuous changes should be planned in order to improve the entire business.
When feasible; improving already existing processes instead of introducing entirely new ones is a better option. Introducing a new process can be time-consuming and expensive in various ways.
It must be kept in mind that BPM should not be a one-time exercise. As the Minimum Viable Product stabilizes; BPM becomes a continuous process that should be used to evaluate different business processes at regular intervals. It should be used to improvise on the process flows. BPM is basically a complete cycle that helps in evaluating the business values of an organization while making sincere attempts to improve the processes available to identify those values and ensure maximum business productivity and higher gains.
Please see the Page Operations Review
And at the Website of the Association for Information and Image Management What is Business Process Management?
Hits: 1048
You are so right that early stage companies and divisions are too casual about processes. I am positive that getting these in place from the very beginning has helped our startup mature over the last 2 years. Thank you for helping get this very important message out there into the business world.