Tag Archives: What Topics Should a Startup Blog About

How Blogging Helps Startups Grow

You as a startup CEO need to understand how blogging helps startups grow.Blogs have evolved to be a way to engage prospects and customers and help startups to grow their business.

Here are the ways how blogging helps startups grow:

  • Describe a new product concept or way of doing business. This can include acquiring customer feedback before internal resource commitment.
  • Enhance startup search engine rankings and increase website traffic
  • Position key startup employees as subject matter experts. This can include establishing thought leadership positions in the minds of industry leaders, industry customers and potential employees. You can also impact public opinion in other ways
  • Create an open Forum for customer interaction
  • Attract co-founders and later, employees
  • Early work on developing a community for customers
  • You may learn about additional new revenue stream possibilities
  • Creates a base for social media marketing
  • Low cost text blogging. Easy evolution for text to audio and video formats … or to content marketing. Blogging and content marketing are a sound long term growth strategy.
  • Enhance startup visibility and attract customers and investors

What Topics Should a Startup Blog About

  • Write for your target audience. Develop Personas to support this focus.
  • Create content that will improve their business
  • Blog about your target market industry sector. Provide material that will be useful to your prospects
  • Your content can include solutions to their issues and market pains.
  • For each post … before you write it … what is the takeaway message for the reader? This should include enhancing their sense of confidence and their sense of hope for a better future.

Post content should include:

  • A striking title – Great titles deliver readers – Rewrite each Blog Post title until it is great
  • A strong introduction
  • Content needs to captivate delight and draw in. Include only one concept in each headline; in each post; and in each call-to-action
  • A focus on people; not topics .. “10 ways you can increase sales to manufacturing shop floor managers“
  • Write clearly and simply
  • Avoid jargon
  • Avoid scientific terms; unless your readers know them
  • Use simple words
  • Do not use long words
  • Avoid being verbose

Proof-read each post like this:

  • Check for how well you projected authenticity
  • Grammar check
  • Spell check
  • Check facts and quotes and references
  • Be sure sentences are short and in short paragraphs
  • Use Introduction headings subheadings and conclusion
  • Include bulleted lists
  • Include white space
  • Do not write in passive voice.
  • Delete everything that has no value addition
  • Use larger fonts for ease in reading


Blogging can help your startup grow. You need to post about appropriate topics. Proofread your posts.



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