Tag Archives: Plans and reports

Plans and Reports For New Ventures

For an emerging revenue stream (startup, new venture or new division), a One Year Plan is typically developed based on a Business Plan.  Weekly, Monthly; and other plans and reports should also be developed and used.  Those units that are a part of established entities likely have document/planning/reporting requirements that overlap with the suggestions in this post.  The focus of this post is plans and reports that are used to manage a developing revenue stream.  That process is usually somewhat chaotic.

Plans and Reports For New Ventures

So, for example, in year two of a new revenue stream activity, the CEO should be able to, direct the development of and rely on, the following plans and strategies:

  • One Year Plan and Annual Report
  • Report to Investors
    Typically this is tied to Investor Meetings or Board Meetings; either Monthly or Quarterly
  • Monthly Plan and Monthly Report
  • Weekly Plans
    For some types of Business Models, the CEO may develop Weekly Plans or ask specific employees to develop Weekly Plans
  • Daily Plans
    For some types of Business Models, the CEO may develop Daily Plans or ask specific employees to develop Daily Plans
  • Various Plans that are not Time Period Centric
    The Business Plan, Business Development Plan, Market Strategy, Product Migration Plan, End User Experience Migration Plan, Financial Exit Strategy, etc.

 Definition of Success

Each plan component should include a Definition of Success for the component upon completion.  Thus those who commissioned the component and those who work on it know in advance how they will know that the component has been completed.  For more complex components/projects acceptance criteria will be agreed and used to accept the completed  component/project.

Please See Also

The page on this website titled Business Plans

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