Tag Archives: Mission Statement

Mission Statement in Investor Presentation

Mission Statement

The Mission Statement section/slide should address:

  • What the company will do in the next 6-12 months. This should be quantified as much as possible (revenue, product features completed, achieving some level of distribution, or etc.).  As the startup evolves the Mission Statement will evolve into its traditional form.  Thus for a more mature business, the Mission Statement is very different.
  • Somewhere in the presentation, a timeline is often useful to describe past and future events

Some investors ask each officer of a startup to describe the new venture’s mission statement.  They hope to find reasonable consensus; but too often do not.

Please see Also

John Gale’s White Paper is Available for Download

This Post is based in part on John Gale’s White Paper, Startup Presentations to Angel/Seed Stage Investors and Partners: Recommendations for Best Practices  This White Paper can be downloaded from:

  • The Business Plans page on this Website
  • It can also be downloaded from this page on the Angel Capital Association website.  The Angel Capital Association is the leading professional and trade association supporting the success of (US) angel investors in high-growth, early-stage ventures

Please See Also John Gale’s Related Posts

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