Tag Archives: Customer Proposal Package

Customer Proposal Package For a Startup

Every new venture needs to have a Standard Customer Proposal Package.  This includes a standard customer proposal PowerPoint (PPT) and a Standard Customer Contract. And of course, selected components of your Sales Kit.

  • Your standard customer proposal PowerPoint (PPT) is a marketing document; customized for each opportunity
  • Your Standard Customer Contract is a legal document that formalizes your offer and its terms.  It is customized for each opportunity

Standard Customer Proposal PowerPoint

Your standardized customer proposal PowerPoint is a modified version of the marketing PowerPoint in your Sales Kit.  Typically its sections include the following customized to this specific offering in your product line; and to this specific prospect; but not necessarily in this order:

  • Introduction
  • About the vendor
  • Client’s market pain
  • Our solution; base offer plus in some cases optional additional components
  • The benefits our solution delivers to (Prospect Company Name)
  • Implementation process and information
  • Cost
    Base costs plus add-ons
    Training of type X is included.  Type Y training costs extra.  You can train at additional locations for cost plus travel.  Include optional costs for optional components
  • Key terms and conditions
  • Contact information

The PowerPoint’s job is to guide a discussion where you restate your marketing pitch.  You map your pitch directly onto a typical prospects way of thinking and business needs.  When çustomized as a proposal to a specific prospect, it uses the prospects terminology.  It matches his/her specific needs.  The base proposal provides everything the prospect has to have.  Options included provide additional value.  This creates additional revenue opportunities for the seller.

Standard Customer Contract

You need to discuss with your attorney what text must be in your Standard Customer Contract.  That will vary by country and sector/type of offering.  To save time, you might prepare an edited version of some standard contract that has been developed by others, before you talk with your attorney.

Several startup centric organizations offer their versions of sample contracts for you to consider.

You can download a template for a contract, edit it with your information, and then discuss it with your attorney.

Conclusion – Standard Customer Proposal Package

Use of customized versions of your Standard Customer Proposal Package is good.  It projects customer knowledge, relevance and professionalism to a prospect.  This package is designed as a leave-behind presentation that can be understood by new readers without any verbal support.


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