Tag Archives: Blog Strategy for your startup

Blog strategy for your startup

Know your blog strategy for your startup. You need to know why you are blogging before you start writing Blog Posts. Consider these points in developing your Strategy.

Blog Strategy for your startup:

  • Who is your target market? What needs and market pains are relevant to you?
  • What will the blog accomplish? How will you address their needs and market pains?
  • What information formats are best for your target sector? How to ….. Interviews …. Instruction …. Infographics…… ?
  • Will you project yourself as a professional? An expert? A personality?
  • Content strategy
    • Key topic areas
    • How often will you say what type of information about your startup?
    • Outside topics that you wish to include
    • Use of evergreen vs time dependent content
    • How will you include images, graphics, video, slideshows, audio, PDFs, checklists, eBooks?
    • How do you plan to use headings (H2 and H3 tags).
  • Who will research, write, proofread, post, update the blog and check for broken links, etc? And how will they do it?  For insights into writing; see Scott Adams’ post The Day You Became A Better Writer
  • What detailed resource materials will you provide? Are these materials configured as portals to your newsletter sign-ups?
  • How will you build pre-launch buzz for new product launches?
  • How will you track your competition and focus on unique content? Buzz Sumo? SEMRush.com? Learn about Google Keyword Planner. Will you track competitor backlinks with ahrefs.com?
  • What is your competitive differentiation?
  • How will you promote your content to:
    • Social media
    • The most important influencers in your sector
    • Guest blogging for respected websites
    • Prospects via email marketing
  • How you will follow the Blogs of startups that exert key influence; and those that are enjoying great success such as HubSpot.com and kissmetrics.com
  • How will you leverage the key Websites that promote startups such as BusinessInsider.com, Entrepreneur.com, Forbes.com, Huffingtonpost.com, Inc.com, KillerStartups.com, Mashable.com, etc.
  • How will you make RSS easy for your readers? Feedburner.com is one way.
  • How will you involve your co-founders and employees in your Blog to enhance diversity of content and style? Will you also hire an external Blogger?



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