There are many adaptability needs for startup CEOs. He/she needs to understand needs, learn new skills and accomplish new things quickly. Here is a partial list of those agilities.
Adaptability Needs for Startup CEOs
A startup CEO must sustain belief in him/her self. Beyond that there is:
An agile focus on your work
- Listen well
- Learn how to do new things
- Do something that has never been done before
- See outside, think outside and work outside your comfort zone
- Understand and hold to boundaries for your startup, team and self
- Deliver much more than the average person
- Work when payoff is 3-5 years or even 15-20 years (for some Pharma) out
- Understand barriers created by culture and step graciously around them
Sometimes it is hard to do this graciously – Think of an uptight New Yorker trying to perform in rural Georgia - Finish complex tasks quickly
I.E. you learn at 8:00 that you have an opportunity to make a new sort of pitch at 11:00 - Understand the hidden potential in assets of various types
- Persevere in the face of bullying or passive aggressive obstacles
- Understand and hold to boundaries for your startup, team and self
Beyond that there is a need to have an adaptable focus on your team
- Create a really good team to do something new
- Be patient with others within and outside your team
- Nurture yourself or an employee who has experienced a grief event
- Understand the potential in others and how to believe in them. This includes managing varying levels of enthusiasm in others
Develop a flexible mind and spirit.
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