We know how quickly technology and markets moves, and we’ve seen how rapidly things can change. That’s why we are extremely flexible in the way we work. Our fees can be either for a fixed amount or on a retainer basis. After we get to know a startup we sometimes cut deals for part cash and part equity.
We bring our strategic value to our clients endeavors. We understand the risk and commensurate rewards in a large investment or product or business initiative. We are equipped to bring to the table the appropriate resources, services and deliverables to fully meet our client’s objectives.
When a project requires a team, we bring the team together. When a project requires collaboration with in-house staff globally, John Gale has done business in 14 countries.
If you have not had time to work through what you need, we’ll work with you to develop a strategy and help you confirm the right solution.
Global 5000 companies leverage Carverlon’s industry experience and knowledge, gained through more than 15 years delivering development, strategy and planning services to major technology corporations. Startups benefit from our role as expert partner and adviser in their rapid growth and successful development.
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