A Sales Kit for Fund Raising is used by a company executive when he/she calls on a potential investor to try to raise funds or when calling on an existing investor to try to raise funds for a new round of investment.
A Sales Kit for Fund Raising includes:
- All of the items in a Sales Kit for Product Sales (There is a separate post on this. There is a link at the bottom of this post).
A potential investor may ask you what your sales calls are like. So you need everything that you would have with you on a sales call.
This does NOT mean that you are going to use each item on every call; just that you are prepared.
Your kit includes:- Elevator Pitch (verbal)
- Business card with company domain based email address
- Company Website
- Company overview 1-pager (hardcopy and PDF, sometimes called a brochure)
- Product brochure (hardcopy and PDF)
- Product demonstration capability on URL, tablet, or smartphone
- Prospect interview script (for most offerings, this is never seen by a prospect)
Proposal document and Proposal slide deck (when proposing)
Customer testimonials (hardcopy and PDF)
- Site survey checklist (hardcopy and PDF) … if relevant to selling your offering
- Implementation checklist (hardcopy and PDF) … if relevant to your sales process for this offering
- User Guide (hardcopy and PDF, also incorporated into software when software is a part of the offering)
- Smartphone App …. when an App is part of your offering
(You always have your Smartphone with you). - Price list (in some cases)
- Plus
- Your PPT “Pitch Deck” for Fund Raising. This includes a version of your Business Plan (you may have PPT, 1-page and 20-page versions). You will have different versions for Potential-Investor-Meetings # one; two and three
- In Meeting #2 you are prepared to provide information so that the potential investor can call your customers (after you call them first)
Please see the Posts on Meeting 2 and Meeting 3 (links below)
The Sales Kit for Fund Raising is based on your Investor Strategy and your Business Plan. You do not necessarily use or display all of the items in your Sales Kit during one sales call.
It is very difficult to raise funds for a new business venture prior to the existence of several paying customers who are prepared to deliver compelling customer testimonials.
You are always prepared. This includes having researched the investor before making the appointment for this meeting. Please check the links below.
It is a good idea to have this sales kit with you whenever you meet with an existing investor.
Please See Also
The page on this website titled Business Plans
Related Posts
- Investor Strategy for Startups
- Investor Presentation – Strategy
- Investor Package Meeting II
- Investor Package Meeting III
- Plans and Reports For New Ventures
- Versions of the Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation
- Sales Kit for Product Sales
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