Tag Archives: Investor Package

Investor Package Meeting II

Your Investor Package Meeting II is your tool to enter into serious discussions with this potential investor.  With each succeeding meeting you need to be prepared to discuss everything that was discussed in any prior meeting plus more detail.  Be very careful how you plan the disclosure of your “Secret Sauce”.

Your Investor Package Meeting II includes:

  • Everything that you brought to Meeting I; plus
  • Elevator Pitch
    You are well prepared to deliver an appropriate Elevator Pitch enhanced by your prior experience as you show slide #1 in your PPT presentation or to otherwise begin your meeting.  Remember that he/she is exposed to up to hundreds of startups per week.  So, at the beginning you need to remind him/her what you are and why he/she should care.
  • PowerPoint Presentation
    You have prepared additional information supplements based on your prior meeting and your further research.  You are prepared to disclose more of your information.  This includes information on your startup’s recent developments.
  • Your Due Diligence on the Investor
    You are continuing your due diligence on the investor.  You have further researched the investments of this investor and his/her firm.  So you have prepared further questions that you are going to ask the investor.  You are thinking through how you will decide if you want to proceed to serious discussions.  You are deciding when you will talk with other startup CEOs who have done investment deals with this potential investor.  Remember it is easier to get divorced than it is to shed an investor.
  • Research Results
    You have performed more research on the community surrounding this investor – such as who he/she can introduce you to


At the end of this meeting you know how you will decide if you want to proceed to serious discussions with this investor.

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Investor Package Meeting I

Your Investor Package Meeting I includes: Research Results You researched this investor.  You know that he/she is interested in startups in your space.  You understand what prior investments he/she has made in other startups in or near your area of activity and in what geographic regions.  You understand that he/she is comfortable with your preferred…Continue Reading

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