Investor Presentation – Management Team


Investor Presentation – Management Team

This section/slide of an investor presentation should address:

  • Who are the key officers? Why is each a real asset? Why are they better qualified to run the company and solve this market problem than anyone else? The quality of the officers is key to the perception of the Company as a Tier 1 opportunity.
    • What experience proves that they understand how to take a startup from $0 to $10 million in this market sector? If this is an established company, why is this, the right team to grow it to the next level?
    • Which officers are critical to success will vary with the type of Company. For example, for a Fabless Chip startup, the CTO or technical architect may be the critical executive. In a Marketing Play, the marketing and/or sales officers will likely be the critical executive. However, the CEO is usually the most critical executive in the Company.
  • Total headcount and recruiting strategy for key roles. The completeness of the team required at the time of a first investment depends on the situation. Some technology focused “plays” need only the technical expert(s) who will drive technical success.
  • Key consultants may perform one time tasks such as developing the strategy and facilitating initial business growth. This relieves some of the pressure on the “team” to perform in so many ways.


  • For an IPO or high multiple exit play, there may be a note indicating that certain officers are willing to step aside to be replaced by officers selected by the Investors.
  • The key officers need experience (and success) in delivering new products to this US market; or, as a less desirable solution, the Company can use an appropriate advisor or advisory consulting company to take on the sales responsibility. While not a metric, having one or two employees who have Silicon Valley headquartered startup experience makes the Investor or partner more comfortable.
  • The key presenter, and perhaps each of the presenters, will describe how they will accelerate progress. This almost always means reducing time to revenue.
  • The business partner, licensor, or investor wants to receive information that facilitates understanding of the key executives from various perspectives:
    • How well does the CEO/Team think on their feet? Is their experience relevant? How articulate are they? Is there a sense of urgency about the important issues? Are they prepared and relaxed? Are they really coach-able? Do they really understand the Company’s space and the fundraising process? Do they have the right personal network to do this?
    • How well did they choose the other employees/consultants?
  • Presentations to Angel and Seed Stage investors frequently include “Might Be” Officers who have agreed verbally, or contractually, to become employees if the startup is funded. Investors want to understand the strength of the commitment of the key team members.


John Gale’s White Paper on Business Plans is Available for Download

This Post is based in part on John Gale’s White Paper, Startup Presentations to Angel/Seed Stage Investors and Partners: Recommendations for Best Practices  This White Paper can be downloaded from:

  • The Business Plans page on this Website
  • It can also be downloaded from this page on the Angel Capital Association website.  The Angel Capital Association is the leading professional and trade association supporting the success of (US) angel investors in high-growth, early-stage ventures

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