Investor Package Meeting I

Your Investor Package Meeting I includes:

  • Research Results
    You researched this investor.  You know that he/she is interested in startups in your space.  You understand what prior investments he/she has made in other startups in or near your area of activity and in what geographic regions.  You understand that he/she is comfortable with your preferred Financial Exit.  You understand how much he/she invests in which rounds.  You know whether or not he/she usually wants a Board seat or Board Observer rights.  You know whether he/she wants to see a 15 minute PPT presentation or a detailed 60 minute presentation at the block diagram or other detailed level.
  • Introduction to Investor
    You have been introduced to this investor by someone who knows you well and who knows the investor well.
  • Elevator Pitch
    You are well prepared to deliver an appropriate Elevator Pitch as you show slide #1 (this is a summary slide) in your PPT presentation.  You include some of your knowledge of this investor so that he/she will be impressed by your preparation and relevance.
  • 20 Page Business Plan
  • First you developed a compelling 20 page business plan addressing topics similar to those discussed in the White Paper on Business Plans that can be downloaded in the Publications section of this Website.  Then you developed a compelling 10-12 slide PPT version and a compelling 1-2 page Executive Summary version.
  • PowerPoint Presentation
    Your very compelling 10-12 slide (15 minute) PowerPoint presentation is adapted to the expectations of this investor.  At least 30% (but not all) of the slides are (separately) compelling.  You also have various supplements prepared.  This always includes detailed information on your competition including their business model(s).  You understand how your business model differs and how it is better at attracting and retaining customers.
  • 1-2 Page Executive Summary of Business Plan
    You have developed a very compelling 1-2 page Executive Summary of your Business Plan.
  • Your Due Diligence on the Investor
    You are starting your due diligence on the investor.  So you have prepared questions that you are going to ask the investor.  You know how you will decide whether or not you wish to have a Meeting II.

Please See Also

John Gale’s White Paper, Startup Presentations to Angel/Seed Stage Investors and Partners: Recommendations for Best Practices  This White Paper can be downloaded from:

  • The Business Plans page on this Website
  • It can also be downloaded from this page on the Angel Capital Association website.  The Angel Capital Association is the leading professional and trade association supporting the success of (US) angel investors in high-growth, early-stage ventures.

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