Intent-Rich Moments Are Critical

Appropriate informed actions during (prospect) intent-rich moments are critical to achieving a close.  This is important during online desktop; online mobile and offline sales activities for both B2B and B2C prospects.

Richard Saling calls these “Want-to-know moments. Want-to-go moments. Want-to-do moments. Want-to-buy moments.”  in an article at

To explore this from a mobile B2C perspective Google commissioned a study by Forrester.  A Forrester Consulting Thought Leadership Paper; Moments That Matter: Intent-Rich Moments Are Critical To Winning Today’s Consumer Journey  focuses on mobile B2C sales cycles.

Forrester’s Key Findings:

  • “Firms recognize the sense of urgency that mobile imparts on the new path to purchase. …  Additionally, 84% or more have adopted specific data-driven approaches to uncover moments-centric insights.”
  • “Although they acknowledge the necessity of delivering to customers in moments … in these moments, only 16% …have the actual capability of merging contextual data with customer data for this purpose”
  • “Almost no organizations have the necessary capabilities to effectively identify, deliver on, and measure moments.”
  • “Companies that make steps toward becoming “moments-ready” reap tangible benefits.  …  Those that invest in the necessary infrastructure and integrate back-end systems to deliver on moments of intent are 33% more likely to report very profitable overall marketing ROI.”

Summary – Intent-Rich Moments Are Critical

There are tangible benefits to understanding and exploiting Intent-Rich Moments.  Forrester has demonstrated this for the mobile space.


Please click Moments That Matter: Intent-Rich Moments Are Critical To Winning Today’s Consumer Journey to download this Google commissioned study by Forrester Consulting.

Please See

Are You There in The Zero Moment of Decision?  at

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