John Gale

John Gale is CEO of Carverlon Ltd.  As an entrepreneurial thought leader, John Gale makes things happen in unstructured environments by leading with initiative, creating innovation, and facilitating consensus.

For more than 15 years, clients have trusted John Gale to meet or exceed their expectations………
Professional integrity, intellectual horse-power and breath of professional experience enables our expert, seasoned, senior-level professionals to ramp up fast and get the job done.

John is a senior commercialization and corporate development executive.

Before he founded his first company he was promoted to Vice President and Chief Technical Officer of International Thomson Information, a merger and acquisitions (M&A) unit of International Thomson Organization Ltd. (now Thomson Reuters). Earlier he was promoted to Manager in a Fortune 50. He has managed District Sales and marketing teams for software services, engineering and manufacturing engineering teams for hardware, and launched the business development function as VP for an Internet services startup.

As the president and founder of Taligo, LLC in Cupertino, and more recently of Carverlon Ltd in London, John has earned a stellar track record in opening and growing markets, new business development and direct sales, venture funding and M&A, and client/partner relationship management for startup and Fortune 500 companies in software, Internet/content, semiconductors, social networking, and hardware devices.  His companies have since provided professional services to:

  • Marketing and venture capital units within the Global 500 including Apple, IBM, Lockheed Martin, NEC, Toshiba and others
  • Government entities including: the European Patent Office (EPO), the Office of Technology Assessment of the Congress of the United States (OTA) and the Government of France
  • Associations including GFFIL
  • Startups as small as pre-formation and up through $50,000,000 per year in revenue and exit (IPO and acquisition).

John Gale has been a member of the:

  • Board of Directors of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers Consultants’ Network of Silicon Valley (IEEE-CNSV). He was the driving force behind the launch of their Consulting Practices Program and the Marketing Committee.  Activities launched by those he empowered include the Consulting Practices Program, the Online Advertising Marketing Committee, and the Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
  • Silicon Valley Association of Startup Entrepreneurs (SVASE) Board of Directors. He was later designated a Board Director Emeritus.
  • Silicon Valley Engineering Council (SVEC) Board of Directors
  • Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers Section Committee for Santa Clara Valley. John served as a key liaison between the Section and the Silicon Valley Engineering Council Board of Directors as the Section redefined its relationship with the Silicon Valley Engineering Council
  • NISO accredited Standards Committee of the Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM) Board of Directors
  • Chicago Metropolitan Ski Council (CMSC) Board of Directors

John has an MBA from a combination of George Washington University and Northern Illinois University and a BS Electrical Engineering from Purdue University.

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